Friday 24 August 2012

Nora's Bacon Hash

Nora's Bacon Hash by Charlotte

Recently, Nora Ephron died. Unrelated to this I started to read Heartburn, Nora's book on life, love, food and the rest. It is easy reading and she is funny, laugh on the tube kind of funny, and what's more, there are recipes that pop out of the pages from time to time. Having marked them all down [before realising there is a recipe index at the back] this is the first to go from page to pan.

Following Nora's instruction:
Cut some bacon into small pieces and start to cook it over a slow flame so that some of the fat is rendered. Then add diced cooked potatoes and cook slowly until the potatoes and bacon are completely crunchy. Eat with an egg.

I wasn't sure which egg to do, with so many options and all of them good, I decided to go soft boiled, a new favourite of mine, along with baked eggs. It turns out that this was the right decision - a soft boiled egg split on top of the hash does the job. Salt must be sprinkled onto the yolk - of course.

Feeling the need for something green I turned and saw a ripe avocado, resting in the Spanish vegetable trolly [small plastic trolly left by previous tenants who must have been mad - who leaves a perfectly good vegetable trolly?] So, I made guacamole with avocado, spring onion, lime juice, a pinch of chilli and salt. This is a good call. Green always = good.

Good post work food and also a potential brunch number… enjoy.


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